Blog Update

I’m so thankful to all those who have read my blog — both regular and occasional readers. I never intended to take such a long break — over a year now! Apologies for my lack of communication.
I have been writing a book on the resurrection — forthcoming with Wipf and Stock. The current title is Resurrection: Extraordinary Evidence for an Extraordinary Claim. I don’t yet have an exact publication date — but an estimate is between October and December this year. So if you have enjoyed reading any of my articles, I would really appreciate your support and hope you enjoy the book!
This isn’t a great excuse for neglecting the blog, but the book took far more time than I expected. Work also became very busy. But for the first time in a long while, I have some head space to write shorter articles again. So will be including more content here in future.
I have a fair amount of material gathered during my preparation for the book — so will share some of this in upcoming articles. But it will also be nice to move out of the straight jacket of focusing on one topic — so will also be exploring other themes from time to time.