Nick MeaderSuccess of Science: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God or Naturalism?Success of science, intelligibility, and naturalismJun 2, 20223Jun 2, 20223
Nick MeaderAn Eternal Universe, or a Universe From Nothing?Assessing the Hawking-Hartle and other modelsJul 19, 20228Jul 19, 20228
Nick MeaderIs reality ultimately personal or impersonal?The problem of the one and the manyJul 21, 20223Jul 21, 20223
Nick MeaderComparing the Simplicity of Naturalism, Theism, and PolytheismSimplicity and prior probability of metaphysical viewsJul 26, 2022Jul 26, 2022
Nick MeaderIs Naturalism or Theism a Better Explanation of Reality?An inductive version of Leibniz’s Cosmological ArgumentJul 27, 2022Jul 27, 2022
Nick MeaderDoes Naturalism or Christianity Better Account for the Universe’s Existence?Bayesian inductive cosmological argument: Part IJul 27, 2022Jul 27, 2022